FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME: Join High Achieving Men Who KNOW They Need To Fortify Their Business and Marriage In Our Virtual Slay The Giants Masterclass Experience!

Discover the 5.7 GIANTS that High Achieving Men Must Defeat So They Don't Destroy Their Self, Wealth and Relationships!

Don't Wait, Fortify Your Finances, Family And Future Now!


"Next Masterclass Date To Be Announced, Join The Waiting List Today"

Gain Uncommon Wisdom for Life & Business

A Full-Immersion Virtual Masterclass to Super Charge Your Generational Impact.

Who Was This Created For?

If you are a High Achieving Man who is ready to Fortify your Business and Marriage so you don't destroy your health and wealth in your pursuit of your calling, then this is the place for you. If you are ready to secure a generational future for your family and finances, you don't want to miss this Masterclass.

What Results Should I Expect:

Motivation gets you going. However, habits keep you going. During this event, you won’t only get motivated to take the right actions, but you will also be given practical habits to create not just a fruitful business but a flourishing family as well.

These habits are the true keys to success.


Biblical Truths Of 'David' Like Legacy

What if there was a group of High Achieving Men in Business who put God first in their lives & business?

It is time for Legacy Minded Men to start seeking & applying the Biblical Truths of Success to their everyday business & personal life.

It's time for these men to look at what the world is doing and be ready to do the opposite. To take a stand!

What if you could be a part of a group of High Achieving Men who are not only focusing on what fruits they can harvest from their business but are also looking at what seeds they can plant in their business?

It’s time that Men become intentional about seeing the face of God before the faces of men.

If you are ready to join a group of High Achieving Men who are building and protecting their legacy one Godly habit at a time, then this event is for you.

Reserve Your Spot For The BECOME A DAVID Masterclass So You Can Start Successfully Build Generational Legacy.



"Next Masterclass Date To Be Announced, Join The Waiting List Today"


Normally $497

Access To The Full Online 

1.5 Hour Event

- - - - - - PLUS - - - - - -

Learn the Secrets to Fortify Your Legacy

Access to the Private Facebook Community


Give me just 1.5 hours.

I will show you, the "High Achieving Man," (6-9 figure earners) how to build strong marriages and family life so they don't destroy their health and their wealth. 

The Bible says that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. It is time to stop that pattern of destruction for you and your family and for your legacy. 

I want to tell you my personal story that illustrates why you too can fortify your future. You only need to develop habits based on Biblical wisdom. 

I have started several businesses. One of my businesses, I started with only $8000 and a calling that I knew God had given me. I did not have anything the world told me that I needed to succeed. Within 3 years, that exact same business had grown to 1.2 million.

Now I'm a sought-after speaker, published author, and own a recording studio with my brother (all while still running several businesses). Not only I am I writing songs & books, but I am also helping my clients improve their image, grow their bottom line, and increase their sales.

I do all of that while also taking time for my family and other important relationships. People often ask me how I am able to do so much at one time while staying healthy & happy.


Wisdom Coach - Author - Speaker - Mentor

My 30+ years of business and leadership experience, and 10 years of experience with New York’s #1 Christian Broadcasting company have helped me develop a number of financial legacy building skills. 

However, the real reason why I have been able to live a life of success & balance is because of learning nuggets of wisdom from the Bible & applying them to my life.

In this 1.5-hour event, I share those nuggets & how to apply them to your life and business so you too can thrive in multiple areas of your life and drive your legacy towards generational success.


"Next Masterclass Date To Be Announced, Join The Waiting List Today"

Slay The Giants Masterclass

"Next Masterclass Date To Be Announced, Join The Waiting List Today"

In 1998, I started a business on a small island with a population of 25,000 people. That business was started with $8,000 worth of inventory. Within the first year, my business was thriving more successfully than my 3 strong competitors. I didn't have social media or a website, but I still grew to $1.2 million by the end of that year.

By the 3rd year, I had to close that business, and God began to take me through a season of gleaning wisdom from the Book of Proverbs. This is how I learned what I call the 12 PROVERBS FOR BUSINESS GROWTH & MARKETING SUCCESS!


In this training, attendees will learn all the 12 ways that Christians cause their businesses to fail. We will also cover how to gain the wisdom to avoid the pitfalls and challenges that most businesses in America face by failing at a rate of 90%+ in the first 10 years.

5.7 GIANTS That High Achieving Men Must Defeat:

1. Unrighteous ANGER

2. Unrecognized SLOTHFULNESS

3. Untempered LUST


5. Unrepentant PRIDE

5.7. Undisciplined ADDICTIONS


5.7a. They try to be everything to everyone.

5.7b. They ignore wisdom over pride.



Get access to the private Facebook Group where you can interact with like-minded people.


That depends….

Are you a High Achieving Man who is tired of seeing your health and wealth destroyed? If so, this event will show you how to Fortify your Family and Finances in a way that is authentic, affordable, and helps you to start building your legacy and generational impact while honoring your values.

Do you want to thrive financially, emotionally, spiritually, & relationally? This event shows you how you can create a balance that allows you to accelerate your business while having time to take care of your health, pursue other passions, and spend time with your family & those you care about.

Do you want to replace regret with action? This event will show you the actions to take and give your the motivation to change your habits, life, and income.



Here’s What Other Leaders Are Saying About Sean Isaacs

Medical Office

“We had been running this one ad for three months, at a cost of $500 per run, and an average return of only $75. With the help of my [Sean Isaacs & Associates, LLC] Hidden Market Assets System consultant, and against the advice of the newspaper salesman, I rewrote the ad and ran it for 3 days. I can’t believe what a huge difference it made. The results were out of this world. I got 90 calls my first day and over 320 calls over the total three. From that ad, I gained 179 new patients and made over $53,000 the first month. I continued to run it for 6 months and made over $400,000 that year from it.”

Dr. LaJeanne Duke

Seminar Promotion Company

“We have been marketing seminars for many years now. Never once have we really tested the headlines on the letters we send out. We experimented and by flipping through the headline bank you gave us, we came up with a couple we thought were more powerful. Did it work? Did it ever! The next time we mailed, we went from a 2% response to over 4.5% response. This will mean an excess of half a million dollars in profits for us this year alone.”

Darrel Bracken, Business Seminars, Inc

University Professor & Performing Arts Theater

“Sean Isaacs & Associates, LLC] your methods are INCREDIBLE…I thank you for our initial session I put the things we talked about to work IMMEDIATELY and man, your input helped reframe my understanding and confidence in marketing overall. In the past, it was VERY frustrating as a Christian business owner to feel like other marketing groups didn’t get my mission/vision. However, thanks to you and a couple cups of Joe and a few hours at Starbucks, I am back on track. Can’t wait to get more–and the book is on my shelf already so, one sold when you’re done. Continued success and KEEP CREATING!”

Vondell Richmond, NJ


“We were in debt $90,000 and had filed chapter 11. Through utilizing concepts like joint venturing, we quickly grew our practice to 70-80 patients a day, and satisfied our debts, while cutting our advertising budget by $30,000 a year and getting out-of-town hospitals to fund most of our building.”

Family Health Centers

Mortgage Loan Broker

“These concepts and techniques are so unique and simple that you’ll be amazed at how easy they are to grasp. I had a 100% increase in business from just one idea!”

Dr. LaJeanne Duke

Dental Consultants

“Since we’ve implemented these marketing strategies, we have been able to grow by leaps and bounds. Our marketing has never been simpler or more systematic, and we increased our personal incomes by over $200,000 in one year.”

Cameron Consulting


Why is this FREE?

This challenge is FREE because I know what it is like not to have the support needed while building a legacy, and I want to give you a head start. I want you to be able to access the support that you need and I want you to know what pitfalls to avoid. 

I also want to take this time to infuse you with HOPE! 

At the end of this masterclass, I will give a paid offer & I am aware that a percentage of you will decide to invest in yourself & and growing your legacy for generational impact.

When Is This Masterclass?

"Next Masterclass Date To Be Announced, Join The Waiting List Today"

Can I bring my business partner or spouse?

 Absolutely! We invite you to share this masterclass with your business partner, spouse, friends, and fellow church members! The Biblical wisdom shared in this masterclass will enrich the lives of whoever takes it.

What will I gain from this?

In this Masterclass you will learn how to protect your health and wealth, that will allow you to unlock your legacy. You will walk away from this  Masterclass knowing what pitfalls to avoid and what habits to create to start retaining money instead of throwing money away.

Where is this Masterclass held?

This masterclass is an online event. When you register for this event, you will be sent an email inviting you to join our exclusive facebook group where this masterclass will be held out of!

Will This Event Be LIVE?

Yes, this Masterclass is a LIVE event & you will get the most out of it by attending it live. 

Who is this Masterclass for?

If you are a High Achieving Man who is ready to Fortify your Business and Marriage so you don't destroy your health and wealth in your pursuit of your calling, then this is the place for you. If you are ready to secure a generational future for your family and finances, you don't want to miss this Masterclass.


Legal & Disclaimers
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising for years and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.